Tag Archives: tinubong



Tinubong means cooking a mixture of young coconut meat, sugar, margarine, cheese, and ground glutinous rice inside a young bamboo or tubong. This native rice delicacy is a favorite among the Ilocanos, which they usually serve during special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, and New Year.

 tinubong4Ingredients and procedure

11 1/2 cups glutinous rice
8 cups coconut milk
1 1/2 tablespoons salt
25 pieces bamboo tubes
25 pieces bamban leaves

Put bamban leaves inside the bamboo tubes and fill 3/4 of it with glutinous rice. Combine milk and salt. Add coconut milk to fill each tube completely. With a barbed wire tied on two poles about 3 m apart as support, pile the bamboo tubes in slanting position. Create a fire under the bamboo tubes. Maintain a moderate fire and frequently rotate the bamboo tubes to cook the mixture evenly and prevent burning. Put off the fire when liquid on top of the tube dries up. Keep the tubes heated on the ember for several minutes to complete the cooking.

source: http://www.pinoyrkb.com/ricerecipe/Tinubong.html